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Guide to Internships at Embarc Collective



2 min read · Mar 26

About The Author

Embarc Collective

Internships can provide hands-on learning opportunities to not only currently enrolled students and recent graduates with relevant experience/skills, but skilled professionals already in the workforce who are looking to be a part of a startup.

Working at a startup as an intern provides many benefits including learning about what it takes to build a startup, developing new skills, wearing different hats, taking on responsibility and ultimately growing skills that can keep you ahead in the market.

Those who thrive in startup internships are curious self-starters that are detailed-oriented, punctual and have a good attitude towards getting the job done. Here are some tips to help you maximize your internship experience:

Punctuality matters

Every startup looks different, but making sure to arrive early to work or check-in early online is a strong first step to show the team you’re ready to work.

Get the job done

Early-stage startups need to move fast to push the needle. In your internship role, make sure to get your daily tasks done to help add value to the team. This also may be staying late to finish the task as well.

Be present

As tempting as it may be to stay connected with your friends and families while at work, your startup will appreciate you being present and ready to engage in solving business challenges. Save your social media check ins for after work.

Ask questions

You’re taking on new roles and responsibilities so be sure to ask questions to ensure you’re clear about your tasks and how this ladders up to business goals and operations. Asking questions will help you learn about the company as a whole so you can start to understand how your role/project fits into the broader vision.

Dress appropriately

Startup culture varies from company to company, understand the dress code and stick to it.

Learn everyone’s name

While this seems obvious, it is important to know the name of everyone on the team. As the intern, you have to make an effort to connect with the people on your team and learning their first name is the start.

Document the journal

Be sure to take notes on what you learned. After each day, use your journal to reflect on what you learned, what you accomplished, and what do you plan to accomplish tomorrow. A quick reflection will help you take in this experience and give you a record of what you’ve learned.

Open Internship Positions

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Little Global Citizens

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