Join Embarc Collective

For the Most Focused and Driven Tech Entrepreneurs in Florida

Members of Embarc Collective are driven, focused, and understand that time is the most precious resource. That’s where we step in.

Who Is Membership For?

Growth-Minded Entrepreneur

You are a Florida-based technology entrepreneur seeking a like-minded community that truly understands your high-growth trajectory. You and your team demonstrate the self-awareness and humility required to be ready for feedback. You’re full-time on your venture (or have a path to get there).


You have a profound understanding of your customer’s pain points, validated a technology product that solves a compelling problem, and designed a thoughtful business model centered on your most important stakeholder: your customer.

Clear Milestones & Traction

You are clear on your vision and laser-focused on your short- and long-term milestones. The path to get to your goals may change, but you’ve built a strong business foundation with traction (such as paying customers, secured pilot, or MVP) that validates your core business assumptions.


1. Apply

Complete your online application. Applications operate on a rolling basis and typically take six weeks.

45 min to complete

2. Interview

Our two-step interview helps us further assess membership fit and gives you a peek into your member experience.

2 weeks after applying

3. Acceptance

Congrats! You’ve been offered membership to Embarc Collective. You’ll soon join a community of like-minded entrepreneurs.

2 weeks after interviewing

4. Onboarding

Attend our orientation before jumping into your customized support plan, designed just for you. We welcome new companies to membership on the first of every month.

2 weeks after acceptance

Become a Member

Designed to grow with you

Whether you’re a team of one or 15—we’re here to support your growth through our flexible membership offering. Embarc Collective takes no equity in the companies that it supports—instead, companies pay a highly-subsidized monthly fee to access our extensive support.

Embarc Collective Membership



+$99 per additional person/mo

Private Offices Starting at $1,115

Get complete access to Embarc Collective's individualized support, community, and space, including:

  • Award-winning bespoke coaching
  • Curated live and on-demand programming
  • Member-only community events
  • Customer, investor, and talent network introductions
  • Private Slack community
  • Discounts on business tools and platforms
  • Vetted freelancers and service providers
  • Collaborative workspaces, conference rooms, and event spaces
  • Private phone booths, prayer room, nursing room, and quiet room
  • Content Creation Studio with podcast, photo, and video equipment
  • Printing and mail handling services
  • Daily housekeeping
  • CUP Coffee, our on-site café