What were you doing previously and what inspired you to launch your company?
I was CFO of a care management and analytics company, which identified high-risk patient populations and enrolled them into care management programs that helped them lead healthier lives. I was also owner and CEO of a home health agency that leveraged technology to create a “hospital in the home” and provide complex care for children and adults with challenging health conditions.
I was inspired to launch Metasense because I saw how hard it was for healthcare companies to interchange their data and gain truly useful actionable insights from their analytics unless they had huge budgets.
Metasense makes powerful healthcare analytics software available to all companies so they can make sense of their health data and improve clinical and financial performance.
What pain point is your company solving? What gets you excited to go to work every day?
Unlike retail, financial services, manufacturing and logistics, the healthcare sector is just starting to truly leverage its rapidly growing data assets. Companies across the healthcare continuum are under pressure to deliver actionable insights that enable them to compete better, improve health and impact their bottom line. Metasense’s software delivers rapidly implemented data pipeline and analytics solutions that solve this problem for them. For example, our new BenefitsVision software delivers powerful health plan analytics that enables employers to better manage their employee health benefits…one of the fastest growing expenses in their P&L.
I’m a very mission-driven person, and I am constantly seeking ways to positively impact the way we deliver healthcare in the U.S. Personally, bringing a product like BenefitsVision into the world, that can influence the healthcare of 108 million people, is a highly motivating and rewarding endeavor.
Name the biggest challenge you faced in the process of launching the company. How did you overcome it?
We deal in technically complex solutions, and the biggest challenge we have faced in launching this company has been learning how to communicate the benefits of our solutions to non-technical customer decision makers. As a result, we have adjusted our product design, marketing messaging, and sales approach. We are leveraging our underlying data pipeline software to deliver rapidly implemented end-user solutions with powerful analytics impact.
Where do you see your company headed next?
We have just launched our newest healthcare analytics solution, BenefitsVision, which is designed for employers to gain precise, actionable insights into their employee health benefits spend. We’re currently developing some fantastic enhancements to the software that will roll out soon to bring even more value to these customers.
Give us a tactical piece of advice that you’d share with another founder just starting out.
Tend your friendships and relationships as you would a delicate sprouting plant. As a startup entrepreneur, it is easy to let other priorities overwhelm relationships in the short term, but don’t discount them. Over my career, you’ll be amazed at the incredible and unexpected ways in which nurtured relationships have paid off…often many years later.
Learn more about Metasense Analytics on LinkedIn.